Donate 1.5% of your tax to children in foster care

We base our support for children and young people in foster care institutions on reliable research. Instead of myths about orphanages, we put real needs. Include the foundation's National Court Register number in your tax declaration.

KRS: 0000497957

Why choose Fundacja Dobrych Inicjatyw?

How will we use the 1.5% tax money?

Time for a system change

We support our charges in becoming independent. We strive for legislative changes that will extend support for institutional foster care residents after they turn 18.

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We support our charges individually

We work with our charges individually in therapy, investing in their talents and addressing their needs. We run a scholarship program!

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We collaborate with institutions

We strengthen the infrastructure and material facilities of partner foster care institutions. We work towards aligning educational and developmental programs with European standards.

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We are a Public Benefit Organization. You can verify us in the register of public benefit organizations entitled to receive 1.5% of personal income tax for the year 2022. The register is maintained by the National Institute of Freedom. You can also find us in the Public Benefit Organization register on the portal.

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