The foundation exists to advocate for
children and youth in institutional
foster care.

Read about us

Time for a system change

We support our charges in becoming independent. We strive for legislative changes that will extend support for institutional foster care residents after they turn 18.

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We support our charges individually

We work with our charges individually in therapy, investing in their talents and addressing their needs. We run a scholarship program!

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We collaborate with institutions

We strengthen the infrastructure and material facilities of partner foster care institutions. We work towards aligning educational and developmental programs with European standards.

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Foundation in numbers:

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Institutional foster care in the face of challenges

Growing up in foster care institutions is not only an emotional minefield but also involves a series of deficits (including material ones) that hinder equal opportunities for education or simply in life. The foundation for children strives to meet the challenges that arise from integrating foster care children into communities. We provide them with the necessary support to receive education at the same level as their peers in kindergartens and schools. But that’s not all! Together, we also seek opportunities to develop their talents and potentials, strengthening their skills and providing material donations necessary for their (self)fulfillment. The foundation for children also sponsors scholarships for the most talented, allowing them to finance language courses, music lessons, sports activities, and more. The essence is to capitalize on those areas that sprout despite the lack of watering and favorable conditions. The goal remains to make foster care transparent in society, enabling the beneficiaries of the foundation for children to function within a group without a negative sense of distinctiveness.

Foundation for children and youth

Everyone repeats like a mantra that children are our future and should receive special attention. However, declarations are often where it ends. The foundation for children strives to level the playing field for those who have been let down by society at the most fundamental level. Since the family is symbolically at the center of society, it means that children in foster care have been led astray by it (where instead of trust, there is the whistling and howling wind of uncertainty and trauma). Therefore, the foundation for children offers a comprehensive therapeutic support program to repair the emotional damage caused in the early years. Foster care, especially when a child goes through different organizational units, such as alternating between residential care facilities and foster families, hinders functioning within a group with the same ease as their peers. We are dealing with a stigma that wards certainly feel. The foundation for children intends to heal these most painful places and thus enable overcoming the wounds inflicted by others.”