A good starter pack

Autumn is around the corner, and so far, all attention has been focused on education. However, one must get to the school desk every day - sometimes in the rain, usually in the mud. Polish autumn scarcely resembles filtered Instagram photos, especially for children from residential care institutions in small towns and rural areas. Even leisure time - walks, mushroom picking, sports - becomes somewhat damp.

That's why, for a good start to autumn, help us equip the children's homes with starter packs of autumn-winter clothing: shoes, raincoats, travel bags.

Give a bit of warmth!

Contributions will be used for clothing and accessories for the autumn-winter season for children from partner residential care institutions.

Choose payment method

  • Bank transfer

And who has so many warm feelings?


Do you have your own good initiative?

If you represent a company or simply have a great idea for supporting children during the autumn-winter period, it would be good to hear from you.

Get in touch!

Bartłomiej Jojczyk


Here are the good partners
of the starter pack initiative!

Start a good correspondence!

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