The Good Relations Olympics 2024

29 października 2024

The third weekend of October saw the start of a special competition in which all the teams played with a single goal in mind. The Good Relations Olympics is a corporate charity challenge that focuses on the wellbeing of employees rather than sporting competition. Each participant’s task is to improve their own social skills, while at the same time supporting the main objective, which is providing support tools for children and young adults in foster care.

Good reports on the podium!

As organisers, inspired mainly by the challenges of running, we decided to change the kilometres of the routes to reduce the distance between people. We focused on what we specialise in, which is relationships. How much more fun it is to cheer each other on when each discipline is about strengthening bonds with family and friends. We are doubly motivated when we are working for our own good and supporting groups at risk of exclusion. The focus of the FDI continues to be the implementation of educational and psychotherapeutic projects for children and young people in and leaving foster care. And this is what the Good Relations Olympics are for.

Is cooking an Olympic discipline?

The Good Relations Olympics even beat breakdancing in Paris with its liberal codification of disciplines! The list of possible challenges in the Olympic app was very diverse. The gamification fields were divided into three areas: training together, having fun together and sharing everyday life, which together simply meant living together. So we also had a choice of sports activities, some more contemplative like yoga or even running, and others that involved teamwork. One of the measures could be the distance covered, as recorded by GPS. Other areas were documented with a short description and a photo. These included cooking together, going to the cinema, playing a board game and even cleaning up the garden. In fact, the range of tasks was not very limited; you could use your imagination or make seemingly mundane phone calls. The most important thing, however, was that each activity should be done with loved ones and serve to deepen relationships. Therefore, according to the rules, the tasks had to go beyond the routine and implement a plan of extraordinary activities consciously undertaken to foster bonds.

Company teams in the non-medal classification

We invited our partner companies to participate in the Olympic Games. The following companies sent their representatives in October 2024: Alcon, Asbud, Jacobs, McCormick, Lenovo and Storware. The game was played in teams of 3, so some companies sent more than one Olympic team. The best team result was achieved by the ŁAPacze Momentów (Moment Catchers) from Lenovo, closely followed by the Atomówki (Powerpuff Girls) from Jacobs. Jacobs also took first place in the overall company ranking, which is not surprising as they had the most employees participating, which naturally gave them a team advantage. Luck also favours those who are highly motivated from the start.

The Olympic values also translated into better future opportunities for the children of the partner care and educational institutions. The Olympics of Good Relations 2024 raised PLN 60,850, which we will invest in the FDI scholarship programme and support tools for young people leaving foster care facilities.


Dream Team

Join the socially responsible companies and invite your employees to the challenge of the Good Relationships Olympics. Contact us and create a dream team to jointly support children and youth from orphanages.


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