FDI 10th Anniversary Gala and Conference

26 września 2024

10 years of FDI is a time full of good initiatives. The last one – the conference 'Foster Care 2030: a safe child in a good system’ combined with an anniversary gala – has just been completed. We celebrate a decade of activities for children in foster care at the same time turning our attention to the future and the effective planning of support tools. And that is what the conference on 25.09.2024 was for.


The anniversary day was divided into two parts. The first was focused on the past: memories, emotions, summaries. The gala was a story about people, about the founder Bartłomiej Jojczyk, but also – or perhaps above all – about partners, volunteers, charges and educators who have been creating good initiatives with the Foundation for many years. It is thanks to them that we have been able to help effectively, and it is thanks to them that we can now hope for an effective repair of the system and the provision of comprehensive support in the future. The second part of the celebrations, a conference with representatives of NGOs, science and business, was dedicated to this – to the future initiatives for foster care.

Business Gala - charity event - Foundation

Gala Fundacji Dobrych Inicjatyw

What good personalities there are among us!

During the ceremony we presented awards to the “FDI Personalities of the Decade”. We honored people who have made a significant contribution to the life of our organisation. But it was not just about good cooperation. The diplomas went to outstanding people – with exceptional moral fibre, kindness and determination, combined with organisational skills and hard work. The “FDI 10 Year Personalities” are:

  • Aneta Danilczuk
  • Jarosław Figat
  • Joanna Pawlicka
  • Karolina Kopińska
  • Maciej Gołębiewski
  • Monika Pietras
  • Monika Żelakiewicz
  • Krystyna Dackiewicz
  • Katarzyna Omen
  • Jacek Chwedoruk

Special recognition was also given to our protégé, Żaneta, who as a young adult has recently embarked on the road to independence. For many years, Żaneta has made our work easier – by her willingness to work towards personal goals, she has demonstrated how to use support tools well and wisely. A special award was also given to Barbara Nowakowska and Agnieszka Borek for their long-term support in the development of the Foundation.

Business Gala - charity event - Foundation

Volunteer Gala

Foster care in Poland 2030

The first panel of the conference was hosted by Anita Karwowska from the Polish Press Agency. Together we outlined the paths to family foster care in 2030, identified the main obstacles in the foster care process and formulated strategies for overcoming barriers and challenges. The visions did not always run parallel, but sometimes diverged to – we believe – converge in the future towards a better care system based on different approaches and experiences. The panel discussion was attended by Prof Dr Mariola Racław, Dr Jolanta Zozula, Bernadeta Skóbel, Michał Guć and Bartłomiej Jojczyk.

Business Gala - charity event - Foundation

Conference on Foster Care in Poland

Together towards independence

In the panel 'Together towards independence: Synergy of business, science and NGO activities for the benefit of children in foster care’, we considered how cross-sectoral cooperation could look like in order to improve the impact of fostering activities. Beyond theory, it was also very important to present concrete actions and support options. Robert Manz from the Valores Foundation presented in detail the possibilities for NGOs to work with institutions such as the Philanthropy Committee of the Polish Private Equity and Venture Capital Association. The panel included Dr Katarzyna Szostakowska, Robert Manz, Jacek Chwedoruk, Maciej Zużałek and Bartłomiej Jojczyk; the discussion was moderated by Paweł Oksanowicz, a journalist from TVP3 Warsaw.


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